What is HugoLab.dev?

I started HugoLab.dev as a way to journal my experience learning about hugo and developing my first site.

As of today - September 9th, 2024, this site will serve as both a playground for me to learn the hugo system - and will also be a place for me to write down my journey along the way (because I enjoy writing stuff down).

About Me

I am very much not an experienced web developer or coding guru. I did start my journey with websites way back in 1996 or so with a geocites page that I used to put my favourite jokes online.

I am though, a massive nerd and I love to play around with technology, coding and all things web.

Currently I have set up two photography related websites to write about and showcase my other hobby. They both run on Wordpress and through constant plugin updates, etc, I spend a lot of time maintaining them.

HugoMaster Timeline

As the site grows I am going to keep a list of things that I’ve learned along the way so I can write about them later:


  • Added bootstrap scss to the theme and compiled it instead of using pre-compiled version
  • Added the option for responsive font-sizes based on breakpoint
  • Added javascript for smart sticky header
  • Learnt how to use image resources to create responsize image sizes - done in articles
  • Learnt how to use custom taxonomy and added them to articles


  • Added some page headers
  • Created a .scss pipeline to make css creation easier
  • Created the site footer and added a basic structure to it
  • Changed the homepage to display only articles
  • Changed the homepage to display articles in a grid
  • Added a lightbox popup for article images


  • Wrote my first hugo article
  • Added the bootstrap css and js files to the theme


  • Downloaded the hugo static site generator and set it up on my local machine
  • Created my first empty hugo website
  • Created my first blank hugo theme
  • Learned about hugo shortcodes
  • Created a shortcode for adding images